Saturday, May 29, 2010

Hey there NYAA participants!

To those who are or have completed their NYAA:

Latest update from the NYAA council: Deadline of submission is 25 June 2010.
Do note that it is the date they (NYAA) should receive the report and logbooks.
As such, if you have completed your NYAA components, please do submit your report to Wee How by 1st June for vetting!

Also they have a quota of 150 awards for this year so they will close submission earlier if the quota is met.

Thank You!(: all the best for term tests!

Sunday, May 2, 2010

i. Walk

Dear Participants,

We have this i.Walk Programme at Bedok Reservoir every Wednesday at 6pm starting from 19 May, which will allow you to fulfill your NYAA component. Upon completing for 12 weeks (As part of the criteria for the award), participants will be given a Certificate and SEAL Points will also be given.

This will be especially beneficial to participants who has yet to fulfill this component. Interested parties, please email to: